Friday, May 31, 2013

Vegan Bodybuilding

Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness by Robert Cheeke

Truly Inspiring!

This book is more then just a health fitness book that gives you some workout routines and tells you what to eat.  It not only reaffirms my beliefs about why I went vegetarian but also motivated me to become more proactive about wanting to be a good role model, not just for vegans but for animals.  Roberts story really makes you feel like you are part of a larger community of compassionate people.  Especially when you get involved with his website and follow him on twitter.  Robert is quick to re-tweet and respond to you and his group genuinely makes you feel welcome.

The food and workout portion are a must for those who are vegan and want to lift weights.  He clearly demostrates that it is possible to be strong and vegan.

It's a book I'll refer to over and over.



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Merlin's Tomb (Arthur the Alchemist, #1) or Harry Potter part redux

It was very much in the vein of Harry Potter.  I'm sure HP is in the vein some someone else too, but this struck me as almost identical.  Two worlds, ordinaries/muggles and wizards/alchemist. Ordinary kid finds out he's not too ordinary and goes to a special school.  Picture frames that have people moving in them, books and items that can move you from one place to another. school tests and love interests.  One female friend and one male friend. JK Rowling/RE Washington. The list goes on and on.
That being said it's written well enough and if you're child happens to get into it, any reading is good reading.  It's definitely not one for the adults.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Song of Fire and Ice- Feast for the Crows

I'm a little behind in my reviews so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Like the last installment in a Song of Fire and Ice, it's a must read.  Although, it did drag on and on a bit.  This books didn't have much from the power players so I wouldn't often get bored reading them.

However, I did practice my speed reading skills.
